I'Jah Anderson is in Dallas, Texas. You can find her at  the pool on the hot summer days and on the couch under a blanket during the cold winter nights. I'Jah is loving mother and a loyal friend. 

What is your favorite makeup product and why? Ummm. Lip-gloss or lipstick is the most important to me. No ashy lips. 

    Why do you want to be a model? I’ve always aspired to be a model starting from a kid. One because of my size, and a model isn’t just a person who takes pics and hosts parties but a role model for other young ladies to look at idolize and I want to be a positive role model for young girls showing them that you don’t have to have a big ass and 10 kids to be cute or important. It’s about your self-worth and value.

What is your favorite dessert and why? No favorite dessert, I love all sweets!! 


  What’s your favorite candle scent? Ummm. I don’t know. No favorites. I love the majority of them, especially the fruity ones. 

Describe yourself in one word. 

What is your favorite color and why? Pink and because I support breast cancer plus it’s an ultimate girl color. 

What kind of guy gets your attention? A GOD fearing man with morals, loving, supportive and hard working. Everything else falls in place. 

  Where would you like to travel to? Everywhere I’m capable of going.

     What is a week in Texas like? I’m in Dallas, but boring as fuck unless you know where to go and who to see. Lol