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Spex Photographic

Posted by da Front Porch on Sunday, April 14, 2013 Under: Photography

Years ago, Spex started building his brand from graphic designs such as flyers. His mentor was in the business of graphics and photography. He suggested that Spex takes his talent to the next level, and Spex took it past the next level. He has been in photography full time for 6 years vacation-free. He did say that YouTube tutorials are very helpful and that he did pick up a book and take some classes too.

Spex first career was in civil engineering with his engineering degree. He merged all three talents together and created Spex Photographic.

Mackinley Madhere, also knows as Spex suggests that potential clients should know this:

I require maximum energy.

Have a plan, know exactly what you want.

If you know just a little bit, I can actually expand it larger than life.

He suggests that clients and mainly women have a makeup artist or at least stylist with them so they can be prepared.


Along with invites and other perks that Spex receives because he is in the artistic and fashion world, he loves to answer questions about fashion.


     (Alter Ego  Shot)                                                                 Not everybody can put something together and make it look good. - Spex


Spex is ready to make things move. He wants to get into films. So Spex will be picking up some more books and classes to prepare his next mission with his business partner. Spex works constantly. We asked him what meal would make him put his phone on silent. Keep in mind; this is the same guy who takes no vacation. His answer was, “My background is Haitian. That plate would probably have white rice, black beans, okra with maybe oxtail. That one plate would probably have a lot in it. But even while I’m eating I still answer the phone, Spex Photography.” 


In : Photography 

Tags: spex photography  mackinley madhere  fashion  artistic photography  miami  haitian 
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