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Posted by da Front Porch on Friday, July 1, 2016 Under: Bartender
1.What is your name? Stephanie Powers aka Sensay.

2. Tell us about where you are from? I grew up and live in Vineland, New Jersey. 

3. Tell us about your physical transformation. Why did you do it and how did you accomplish this goal?  Growing up I was always a thick girl. However it wasn't until my Junior year that I started to put on weight. I moved to Florida when I was 20 years old for my manager job out in Orlando. I worked at a Sonic Drive in for almost 7 years which didn't help with my weight. I met my boyfriend there. Now, my man is an inch taller than me and at the time I was a solid 175 pounds. He is 125 pounds. I didn't like our ratio lol. But in typical sweet boyfriend fashion he tells me I'm perfect the way I was. Months later I decided to get on the scale just to see where I was.... I was 200 pounds! This sent me into an extreme depression. I knew I was big but to be that big! It started to make sense why I was having health problems, back aches, sweating in places that ain't right. So I said I need to not feel like this whatever this feeling is it has got to go lol. I bought Dherbs 20 day detox cleanse and my first week with this product I dropped 50 pounds! It all happened so fast I couldn't believe my drastic change! This product was the start of a very healthy journey. After my detox I did diets, portioned out my food and I waist trained. Happy to say today I am 106.3 pounds!!! Im physically and mentally healthy now. You got to want it! You got to want to feel good so bad that you do what needs to be done to get there. And I did that. I can say I'm smaller then my boyfriend now so I don't feel weird lol! Goal accomplished :) 

4. 4. What is your definition of beauty? My definition of beauty is personality. And this goes for males and females. It truly doesn't matter what's on the outside if your insides aren't beautiful. I adore someone who can laugh through there pain and still make others happy even when there not. It's a sense of selflessness. That's to me is beauty. 

5. Tell us about your education in studying alcohol? Since I've started bartending, I haven't stopped! I use to work at an ABC in Florida ( which is a giant liqour store) and working here you have to take classes. They sell cigars, growlers, high end champagne, wine, spirits, you name it they got it. So that was the start of my education behind alcohol. I learned so much there and thank god I did cause it helped me a lot later when it came to bartending. Now before ABC, I was already a bartender at my cousins night club in Tampa, FL. So this only made me want to know more. Eventually I got my bartending license so that way I could know every drink as well as know how many times the liqour in the drink was distilled. I realized I wanted more and still do! I plan on going to the Diageo School in Germany. This is the place to be if you want to be someone great in this industry and I'm going! Learning German and everything to go to there school! It gets me excited every time I think about it lol. Bar is my life and it's given me purpose. I couldn't be more happier! 

6. Why do you want to be a beach body coach? So this was random and it happened because of my friend George! He's already a beach body coach and was inspired by my story. I get tons of messages a day of girls who love my story and want my help. So taking classes and learning more about it would not only help them but me as well. And why not right? If it's going to keep me stay healthy and I can help girls gain there confidence back I'm all for it! 

7. How can people find you online? My Instagram and Twitter are the same: Sensay__  ... It's easier to keep up with my social medias that way 

8. What do you want to see changed in your community? I want to see more support in my community. It's a small town where I come from and honestly there's too many young people dying to not support the very people you seen growing up. It's time that we come up! It's time that we stop bashing each other or bringing others down for amusement! We need to come together and unite you know? 

9. What 3 people inspire you the most in life? Jon Taffer- He is my idol! What he has done for the bar industry is simply amazing! I watch bar rescue like my life depends on it! He lets me know that there is more to bartending then what people say. I plan to meet him one day! 

My Brother- He is seriously my back bone. There's no one who has my back like he does. He's always behind me 100% and would be quick to let me know if I'm wrong. He's the best! 

My boyfriend- what hasn't this boy inspired me to do lol. From Loosing weight to literally helping me study alcohol etc! This man supports me hard! He's my number one fan and I am blessed! If I wanted to be a stripper he would buy me a pole and say " you better be the best at it" I couldn't ask for anyone better.

10. How do you deal with the haters? Honestly they make me better. Proving them wrong and being more successful then them keeps me working late nights and early mornings. So thank you guys! Watch this come up.

11. Any shout outs and words of advice of people that need words of motivation? Of course I have to shout out my mother who raised a respectful women and creating a legend. My besti Ivy who's life revolves around mine lol, Prince Haikem for all the support and believing in my dreams, and last but not least my little bros Ant and George.. You guys are always here through my bad times. You guys are the real mvps!  Words of advice: Stay true to who you are. Smile through the bad times cause the good times are worth it! God has your back. Always be kind and strive for greatness! Be the best in your field no matter what it is! Dreams do come true.  

In : Bartender 

Tags: stephanie powers  sensay  da front porch  interview  weight loss  healthy  beauty  diageo school  germany  beach body coach  jon staffer  george  bartender  inspiration. new jersey  orlando   
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