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Posted by da Front Porch on Monday, June 4, 2012 Under: Singers
What’s your name and position on ECJ Entertainment?
My name is Ezra "Roszunn" Williams.. I am CEO and first R&B artist of ECJ Entertainment. 

Tell us about your life right before you decided to be an artist professionally?
Well, before I became an artist professionally I was working at a Law Firm in Orlando, FL, as a Mitigation Processor and I worked regular hours just like every other American. 

Which artists do you look up to as mentor?
D'angelo and Prince are the two artist I look up to the most. Style, stage presence, and overall talent. They can be different from everyone and people still love them. 

Where are you from?
I am from a small town outside of Birmingham, AL called Pinson. 

When the curtains close, what do you want the world to know about you?
Nothing... Lol. I am kind of private, and antisocial. Not Bougie, but not really a good conversation starter. I guess I could let people know that I have been on this earth for 25yrs and not once have I ever been drunk or high of any kind. If people get to know me, I like for them to know that I am different.

What is your definition of success?
Knowing that I can wake up with a sense of relief; not having to worry about time and deadlines, and working at my own paste doing what I love to do. 

How can people contact you?
People/fans can contact me through Facebook, Email and even through the ECJ website.

When you are at the bar, what should be on chill waiting for you?
I am rarely at the bar... I am rarely out at all, I usually stay locked away making music 24/7. But if I ever get out, I want a Rum N' Coke. 

Which song do you want the world to pay close attention to when they are at da Front Porch? 
Pay attention to "Your Eyes", hot track. And don't just listen to it and don't pay attention because it sounds a little immature... Keep in mind that I was 17 years old when I produced that song. It was recorded in 2004. So just listen at how much passion I had at that age. Lol. 

In : Singers 

Tags: ecj entertainment da front porch roszunn r&b singer alabama your eyes rum n coke 
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