Da Front Porch promotes original creativity

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Posted by da Front Porch on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Under: Models

 1. Where are you from/ nationality? 
My nationality is French Creole, my family is originally from Baton Rouge N.O, I was born in Inglewood CA.... raised a little bit of everywhere! I consider myself to be a bit of a gypsy... a child of the world.

2. What goes through your mind when the needle touches your skin? 
I know it may seem like because of the amount of ink I'm covered in, I shouldn't be nervous... but truthfully every experience is different! Depends on the state of mind I'm in, my current emotional mood, the atmosphere I'm in; it all plays into which type of ritual I begin before my session. Usually....Iimeditate, turn on some India Arie or Eddie Caine (a great artist friend of mine), then lay down and allow the needle to trace my skin.

3. What do you think people misjudge you about? 
Often people assume that due to my public image I'm supposed to allow slick statements or judgements to just fly! That is not the case at all, I'm very polite to everyone and I do demand the same respect; whether it be through force or choice.

4. What type of music gets you ready for the world? 
Classical.... there is just something majestic about allowing the movements of the composition flow through me.

5. What projects are you working on? 
I'm currently working on the relaunch of my Deeper Than Ink movement; as well as introduce my Illustrated Woman site.

6. Where do you like to travel to relax and party? 
My hearts in NY, the city is alive & extremely creative. When I'm on the east coast I actually feel like I'm where I belong!

7. Does your body ink tell your life story? 
My body ink is my story, the good, bad, happy, & demonic times I've endured. Life has been taken from me multiple times... yet I'm still here!! Living another day to write my story on my skin.

8. Define success. 
Success doesn't amount to dollars in my eyes, its being happy with who you are & what you've done with your time here. I feel that with every person I inspire to truly live how they see fit; I have reached another level of success. Yes I'd love to make more money, own more things; but whats all that mean in the end? I am leaving a legacy that will be retold for ages even after i die!

9. What is your twitter and IG?
Twitter: BgDeeperthanink
IG: BG_illustratedwoman

10. How do you know when you love what you do? 
You'll know you love what you do when you realize that you've inspired the masses by simply sticking to who you started out as! It won't be about financial gain... your satisfaction will come from the smiles of those who paved your path to humility.

11. Any shoutouts ?
Paul Gambino of Urban Ink, who seen in me a brighter light than I thought was in myself! He was the first person to take a chance and allow me a platform for expression.
My mother & father- they always allowed me to be me without hindering my growth. My big sister Jenell Girard and little brother AJ for never letting me be too tough on myself.
My Bone & Chicago and all of my extended family from Flaming Ink tattoo, Derrick Verley, Richard Parker, Terrell Middlebrooks, BrittanySlam- all my new york ink family. Dionce Robinson CEO of Famous Inked Models- love and support I've gotten from him will last a lifetime, as well as my awesome #TeamBG family.... without y'all I'd be just another chick with ink being her random weird self! 

In : Models 

Tags: britanie girard  da front porch  urban ink  french creole  famous inked models  flaming ink tattoo  #teambg  deeperthanink  deeper than ink  bg_illusatratedwoman 
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