Jade Passion - My Baby's World
Posted by da Front Porch on Sunday, March 17, 2013 Under: Singers
In : Singers
Tags: jade passion my babys world bahamas singer west palm beach da front porch one on one
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Jade Passion is a music lover who decided to go with her
passion and lives in West Palm Beach, Florida. She began singing in church. Her father was the reverend so she had to
be the lead singer.
In the Bahamas, the television would have a turn off and on time. During this time, the national anthem would play. At school many classmates would mimic the nation anthem but when it was Jade Passion’s turn, her classmates were blown away from her natural talent. With her families support, Jade Passion began to pursue her music career. Her biggest inspiration is Whitney Houston.
Whitney Houston! She is just the bomb. She inspires me 100. – Jade Passion
Jade Passion creative music to inspire young women. She notices how more artists are only focusing on teaching women to spread their legs and degrade their selves. Jade Passion has a song called My Baby’s World. She said it took her some musical and mental retouching to create this masterpiece about how a man should be.
Songs are made to put
out a positive message. – Jade Passion
Jade Passion has a love for green like no other; she even had a 1972 Buick that she painted green. Green says so much to her and also brightens up her day. Her life consists of playing with her son, having a love for Tweety and creating stories in her mind to be able to breathe a little bit.
Shout outs to my
manager DaeDae, he’s been down from the beginning. He knows me better than
anyone. I made him my manager because no one knows mw this way. He knows me.
He’s just 100! And shout outs to the whole Jade Passion Team. We are so
untouchable right now. – Jade Passion
Jade Passion’s meaning of success – “To do better than I did yesterday. I don’t want to be at the same level. I want to constantly grow” – Jade Passion
In : Singers