Da Front Porch promotes original creativity

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Posted by da Front Porch on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Under: Singers


1. What are your social network links? www.youtube.com/hunnysosweet82 

2. What name do you prefer to be called? I liked to be called Hunny.

3. Tell us about where you are from and a little about your past and present? I'm from Mississippi where I was born and raised. I started singing in church when I was around the age of 3. I have a degree in criminal justice and I'm  the proud parent of two beautiful children. I've always had a passion for singing and I found myself constantly writing so music really became my outlet. I'm currently working on my first album which is a mix of R and B, Soul, Hip Hop, Jazz, and a little Pop. I believe I have a little something that everyone will be able to enjoy!


4. Why do you choose to let the world hear you sing? My music truly comes from my heart. I've had my share of ups and downs and I want to share those same thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others because I know someone out there can relate. I want the world to know that there is someone who understands exactly how you feel.

5.  Your song, "I'm Leaving," is this based on a past relationship? How did this song come together? Yes it is. Well, the relationship was over but I found myself sitting in my room wondering why I hadn't ended it sooner than I did. Then I realized that I had wanted to leave all along but I just kept thinking that if I gave it one more chance things would somehow get better. Deep down I still knew that I wanted to leave so that's where the whole concept for the song came about. 

6. What is a week in your life like? A week in my life is very hectic! It's filled with school, homework, cooking, cleaning, and making sure I spend quality time with my family. Then there's the writing songs, and recording, and countless meetings in preparation for the release of my album. Add church, a few workouts, and some sleepless nights and I'd say that about sums up my week.


7. If you could change any one thing in the world, what would that be? I'd make it so much easier to get a higher education and make it accessible to everyone regardless of their income or status.

8. What is something most people do not know about you? Most people don't know that I collect sunglasses and bottles of scented body lotions. I have a ridiculous amount if both.  

9. How do you deal with haters? I deal with them by continuing to live my life to the fullest. I smile, laugh, and have as much fun as I possibly can. People are always going to hate when they think you're doing something that they can't. So I choose not to let all that negativity stifle my creativity and instead use it as motivation to do and be better! 

10. What do you do to relax? I put on my headphones, close my eyes, and listen to music. I also like to have my occasional piece of chocolate to go along with that! 


 11. Do you have any last words for those reading the One on One Interview with you? If at all possible, please just follow your heart, listen to your inner self, and choose the path that's best for you and only you! Stay true to who you are and everything else will eventually fall into place!



In : Singers 

Tags: hunny mississippi singer soul da front porch jazz 
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