Da Front Porch promotes original creativity

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Posted by da Front Porch on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Under: Blogger
What is your name? 
Auria S. 

Tell us about your nationality, ethnicity and the community you live in?
My Mother is Norwegian and my Father is African American & Cherokee. I come from a very diverse background and thank my parents for it allowed me to accept all walks of life. I live outside the city of Atlanta in a suburban city called Roswell. This is where I grew up, it's a great city to raise a family. Safe and good schools. 

What inspires your blogs?
Everyday inspires my blogs, my emotions, people around me, what I've gone through. I like everything to be sincere and not fabricated. I expose raw sides of me in hopes it'll touch someone else. 

What is a modern day hippie?
A modern-day hippie is someone who believes in the same principles as the hippie era in the 70s but modernized. You care about the well being of the world, including animals, people, just everything. Someone who stands for peace on this earth and exudes joy and love wherever they go. 

What are some things you want to accomplish this year?
I've always been interested in film and acting and I've done a few movies/tv shows here in Atlanta. I want to dive myself fully into it and land a speaking role and be surrounded by other creatives. I want acting to be my career. I also want to travel, I'm 24 going on 25 and now is the time for me to see places I've never seen. It's time to get out my comfort zone.

What are some of your concerns in your community?
Some of my concerns in my community are I feel the people need to be more open minded. Most of the people in my community are wealthy, not that they didn't work hard for it but most of them were born into wealth. I want people to do more for others outside of their circle, because we have the power to do so. Also the police in my community should stop harassment of ethnic people and crack down on real crimes. I feel they prey on young people, especially of ethnic backgrounds so they can make their "quota" and money for the community. We should channel the energy and start doing more positive things for our community. 

How can people find you online?
Twitter: MixedBloodz
IG: ModernDayHippie1
What is a hustler?
Someone who lives and breathes their passions and dreams. Who works hard no matter lack of sleep, food, etc to get where they want to be. A hustler is the man working in the harsh heat to feed his family. A hustler is the woman working morning to nights to save up for college. A hustler is in all of us; we just have to realize what we want in this life and to stop at nothing to achieve it. 

Any shout outs or last words?
Love and Light to all, 
Don't forget we have one life to live so live everyday to the fullest. 

In : Blogger 

Tags: auria s  modern day hippie  actress  blogger  norwegian  african american  cherokee 
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