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Amilka: N.J. Firefighter

Posted by da Front Porch on Friday, February 5, 2016 Under: Services
1. What is your name and where are you from?
 My name is Amilka.. from Perth Amboy, NJ 

2. Why did you decide to become a fire fighter?
 I decided to be a fire fighter, or at least try to be one because its a positive start. Its a great jobs that involves saving lives. Every bit counts in this line of work. I get to not only save a life but be part/involved in the community more. Volunteer my time to those who are in need. Its a great feeling to know you can make a difference in someone else life. Jobs like this, we come together as a team and have more resources to asst those in need. I would like to make a difference. Also , most importantly, because this is a field my kids can be proud of. Hopefully they will follow in my footsteps and be great. 

3. What was your experience at the Fire Fighter Academy like?
 Its was scary at first but once you started to understand the reasons why they do what they do, everything else just falls into place. 

4. Are there any people or stand out situations from your life that give you inspirations?
You get excited to be out and fight fires. You know to do your best. Even though it's a safe environment, You must always be safe and make sure you don't leave anyone behind. like they say, "Risk a little to save a little," NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND. WE ALL WANT TO GO HOME. Its also an eye opener. Sometimes it might be overwhelming caring all that gear, and its heavy and having to move around with hardly any visibility. You make sure you and your partner are ok. When you see a flash/rollover, its something else. But in a real fire, the fire doesn't care about you or anything in its path. These trainers have 20-30 years under their belt. They do a great job at explaining everything to you in detail. I'm appreciate those guys. no one wants to see you get hurt.. like one fire fighter trainer joked in class once, he said... "We teach you enough to get you killed". lol But he is right because that's just Fire fighter 1. Like they tell us, its just basic stuff. Now you must go out and keep taking more classes because you never stop learning. 

5. How can people follow you on social media?
 I'm working on a page for women fire fighters. I think we should have more women FF.. Anything HE can do, I can DO too. 

6. What is your definition of a hustler?
 A hustler, based on what I do, is a person who doesn't give up. Who wants to reach a goal and pushes him/her self until he/she is where they want to be and then some. Someone that know how to get it done and pushes them self to succeed. A person who has already made up his /her mind to take a path that would lead them to a better tomorrow

7. Any last words or shout outs?
I think we all have someone we either look up to or admire. I admire those who risk all to save those who cant save themselves. I think having a voice, being able to work with your community is very important. I hope that all my hard work pays off and that my kids recognize all the the sacrifice, all the work that i put in so that this single mother of two great boys have a better life,and follow in my footsteps. Doesn't mean I want them to be fire fighters, they choose the path, I just advice them on there journey.  

8. What would you tell other parents who feel as if reaching there goals are not possible because of tough times?
 I'm a single mother of two, its not easy and I can vouch for that. But I made a choice to change the course that I was in to do something not just for myself but think of what you can do to make your home and kids better. A positive job, a positive goal, changes the outcome. Kids are like sponges, what you do, they do. You do something good, they do something good. its a domino affect. At times, it will be hard but that's part of the process, if it was easy, anyone could do it. Stay focus, believe in yourself. Don let anyone tell you any different. 
Challenge yourself... Don't look around and point the finger, take initiative. I SAY, DON'T WAIT ... ITS YOUR TIME, MAKE IT COUNT! I think one of the best ways that someone can help is to speak to those who were in similar situations. speak out. That always helps. 

In : Services 

Tags: amilka  female fire fighter  new jersey  single mother 
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